A Short Term Fix With a Long Term Consequence

Imagine if all the people who had achieved great things in our history had gone for the band aid option; the quick fix to gain notoriety.

It might have worked at the time for fame and money. We might even be speaking of them now for their gall to do so.

Einstein, Da Vinci, The Wright Brothers...

All true pioneers and visionaries.

But, as history shows, they didn't go for the short cut.

They stayed true to a path that wasn't clear.

In fact, it's because of that that we remember them today.

So why do we always go for the short cut.

The Short Term Fix.

But with that, comes a Long Term Consequence.

That would be the thought pattern of the majority of people.

A short term fix.

Actually, why take longer than it needs to?

But it does take long.

In fact, it takes the rest of your life.

Every time we have that meal that makes us feel good emotionally, but adds to the other unhealthy meals we have more often than not, we're going for the short term fix.

But of course, there are long term consequences.

Whenever we sign up for another fitness challenge, hoping to get ready for summer or a wedding or any other deadline you've known about for a long time but left to the last minute, you're going for the short term fix.

And when the short term fix wears off, it's harder to do next time. 

Damn those long term consequences.

Practice doing them, and often failing at them enough, and it will be the only way you know how to do things.

Even the thought of having to dig in for the long haul with put you off, only to your detriment.

What this has to do with your health, is everything.

Let's say you have 80 years to live, and from the age of 20 to 80, you are in 100% control of your health. Your choices on what to eat, if you should exercise, the lot.

Yet every time, you think it's a sprint. A race to get to the destination of some goal everyone tells you is important.

I offer a different option; one i believe will not only lead to long term success with your health, but long term success in life.

I call it Strong for Life

In fact, that's what I coach people to do, to be Strong for Life.

It's the idea that training is the foundation for our health, and other character traits that benefit the rest of our life.

Training helps develop patience, consistency, discipline, strength, grit, perseverance, overcoming challenge, overcoming failure.

It's the idea of training not to be lean, but for the rest of our life.

All of those 60 years.

The short term fix works only very rarely, but can have long lasting negative consequences.

Let's go for the long term fix instead.

Let's go and be Strong for Life.

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