Are You Being Honest With Yourself?

Have you ever been listening to someone speak, and just know that they're not being honest?

Not that they are lying to you.

More so they are delusional. The words they speak are not in line with their actions.

They're lying to themselves.

An even better question: have you ever listened to yourself speak are realised your words and actions aren't in alignment?

But surely you wouldn't do that would you?

Well, I do it, you do it, we all do it now and then.

Awareness of it can take you a long way though.

On a regular basis, I see and hear clients who aren't in alignment.

This isn't a criticism of them.

It just means that the problems they believe they have are either not actually problems, or they know who can solve the problem: themselves.

Fitness tends to highlight this more so than other endevours in life.

"I want to be lean" and "I'll just have this tub of ice cream" are really in alignment (although they could be technically depending on your goal and the amount of calories you consume versus burn, but that's another blog article altogether).

What happens is we say we want to achieve Goal X, but then don't put in the effort to achieve it.

Sure, some people train now and then, sure they eat well now and then, but I know and they know, they could do more.

They aren't being honest with themselves about how much effort or commitment they're making.

We so often give ourselves a hard time. We can truly be our own worst enemy.

On the other side of the same coin, we can pat ourselves on the back so easily, to the point we think we've finished the race after 2 weeks.

We do need to develop a positive mindset.

But first, we need to sit down and be honest with ourselves about who we are.

David Goggins in his book Can't Hurt Me, talks about doing this using an accountability mirror.

He writes notes to himself being brutally honest.

Writing things like "You're fat!", seems to go against all the body image acceptance we push for, but for a man who need to reach a certain weight to get into BUDS training with the SEALS, it's the type of honesty that is required.

Before we can get to our goals, I believe it's best to first honestly assess where you are.

Both your positives and weaknesses.

Not "blowing smoke up your own ass", but saying "I am X, but I want to be Y".

Because if you can't be honest with yourself, who can?

And once it's been done, do i again every 3 to 6 months.

You're not as good as you think you are, but you're definitely not as bad either.

Bring yourself back to reality, and then start planning, dreaming, scheming and pursuing your goals with the real effort they need.

Ready to starting getting real with yourself? The first step is always a hard training program…get a free 12 month training program below and start cutting the bullshit.

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