Master Chief


Master Chief

Are Cooking Shows Making Nutrition Too Complicated?

I blame Masterchef.

Okay, that's a bit of a stretch, but Masterchef doesn't help.

You see, when things get confusing, people don't know what to do.

And at the moment, a lot of people are confused with their nutrition.

I believe part of that is because of reality cooking shows.

These shows obviously focus on the food, which is awesome, because who doesn't like good tasting and amazing looking food.

But when that becomes the sole focus, we lose track of the other things the food provides - the nutrients and the energy.

And so we're all consuming this amazing looking food, and wondering why we're not losing weight.

I've always believed that people get the best results with their health and from their training by keeping things simple.

It makes sense, because how long can you really commit to something that's complicating, confusing and overwhelming?

These reality tv shows don't exactly promote simple.

And for your health, that's the key.

Follow something that's easy to follow for a long time.

Consistency over the long term wins every time.

This doesn't mean that you can't go out for that ridiculously good looking meal, but it shouldn't be the norm if you want to look and feel great.

What does simple mean though?

Well it doesn't mean extravagant looking food.

It doesn't mean long cooking times.

I also believe it doesn't mean too much packaged food either.

It's food that looks a lot like the way it was grown.

And this doesn't mean it lacks flavour, it's just not too complicated.

The foundations of nutrition and training should be simple.

And then every now and then you can Masterchef things up a bit.

Until next time,


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