Supplements You Shouldn't Be Using


Supplements You Shouldn't Be Using

Not all supplements help you achieve your goals


By Marco Augusto

For the last six years of my coaching, a common question has come up: what supplements should I be having?

And more often than not, I say you don't need any.

That is the truth for most of the general population.

Although, if there was something I do recommend, a simple protein shake is about it.

Does that mean no other supplements work?

No, not at all.

But most people need to focus on their actual diet first, before focusing on the supplement to the diet.

In saying all that, people can consume anything they like.

It's their life after all.

But there are some supplements that I actually recommend people avoid altogether.

Fat Burners

It seems odd that I would recommend people don't have fat burners, especially when that's the goal for so many people.

But most people believe that by taking fat burners, they'll just lose fat, and that's not the case at all.

Firstly, it's important to remember that the biggest driving factor to weight loss overall is the amount of calories you consume.

So it's going to be difficult to burn fat while you're in a calorie surplus.

Once again, your diet plays a big part in your success.

In other words, the supplement to the diet is just that - a supplement to the main thing that should be focused on.

Secondly, the role of fat burners is to mobilise fat.

That basically means it becomes easier for fat to be used as a fuel source when exercising.

If no exercise takes place, no use of the fuel source, and you're back to square one.

And all of this points to two important points: exercise and a calorie controlled diet are the ways you're going to lose weight.

Fat burners then, tend to be a guaranteed waste of money.

Money you could invest in your diet or into a coach.

Pre Workout

I used pre workouts once upon a time.

And you know how I felt when I didn't use the pre workout?

Basically like shit - like I couldn't do anything in the gym as good as usual.

Not to make pre workouts sound this sinister, but that basically sounds like a drug addiction.

Let's not forget that all you're doing is exercising.

You're not preparing for life saving surgery or launching a rocket into space.

It's just moving your body and some weights, you shouldn't need that much extra focus and stimulation.

"But I can lift heavier and I have better sessions with pre workout".

Then go without it and get to the same strength and same focus without it.

Pre workout makes you rely on something external to perform.

Without it, mentally you won't perform because you're convinced that is what gives you the "edge".

The edge for what exactly?

Because you'll lift more and feel better about yourself?

Yes, that has it's benefits, but you'll actually lift more and feel better about yourself if you stay consistent and train hard.

So that should happen no matter what.

Or is it to tell others how much you lift?

Or are you actually preparing for a competition?

Most people are using it to become better for themselves, but it serves no real purpose.

The truth is that some days you'll feel awesome for training, and some days you won't, and that's okay.

It's a reflection of life, and being able to exercise even though you don't feel like will serve you better than needing something just to exercise all the time.

Supplements Can Work

This isn't to suggest supplements don't work.

These two supplements might even work for you, in some capacity.

But like most things it comes with a catch, and when we rely on supplements for results, we take away responsibility on ourselves.

The truth is that consistent nutrition and exercising brings us the most results, especially when we drink enough water, get enough sun and sleep.

Then, once our results are already at a level that is high level, should we think about these more niche supplements.

Even then, many people still won't need them, but they can come in handy.

Ultimately, the marketing script on the package often fails to accurately capture that the results you seek will come from yourself.

Until next time,

Marco Augusto

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